
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Seeking to Become More Christlike: An Intentional Approach

  • Said my prayers: Check
  • Read my scriptures: Check
  • Became more Christlike: Hmmm... Good question
I'm personally fascinated by how To Do's & To Be's relate. While "they reinforce and promote each other" sometimes it can be so easy to crowd one's conscious hours with "to do's" and in the rush of it all, lose sight of who one is seeking "to be" or become, in the first place.

One of my all time favorite quotes from Julie Beck is that "Peace, joy and hope are available to those who measure success properly." So how do we "measure success properly"? While there are many different metrics we can judge and measure our "successfulness" by, the best I have found for myself is the Christlike Attributes Activity.

I take it from time to time as part of my scripture study & personal pondering time. Taking it, then reflecting on what factors may have influenced my responses to be at whatever level they are currently at, and setting goals to progress from there, helps me seek more intentionally, and hopefully more effectively, to become more like Him.

Going beyond a personal tool, where information and inspiration go hand in hand, I imagine something like this could offer deeply insightful feedback for auxiliary leaders, illuminating how individuals are doing in terms of faith, patience, kindness, humility, hope, etc., and offering insightful, and potentially directing data.

I've adapted these questions to fit the context of my everyday life and turned it into an online survey that tracks my progress. Yep, three of my loves all combined: the gospel, technology, and assessment that provides clear, measurable feedback for the sake of personal, purposeful, progress. :)

If you were to put any question on a survey you would take from time to time to track your standing before the Lord, kind of as a personal measurement or reflection tool, what questions would you ask yourself? Feel free to leave any comments in the section below. I would love to hear how other people might keep themselves "in check."

"As you attempt to act your part and identify attributes you wish to develop, you will want to “list and study … passages of scripture that teach about the attribute[s],” “set goals and make plans to apply the attribute[s] in your life,” and “pray for the Lord to help you develop the attribute[s].” 

Elder Cook, 
Whatere Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part, Avoid Wearing Masks That Hide Identity, CES Fireside

Here is a link to a digital version of the Christlike Attribute adapted to everyday life. If you'd like a copy of the template to adapt the questions, save your results and track your progress over time, just message me or leave a comment below and I'll send it your way.

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