
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Priesthood Blessings: Recorded, Remembered, Realized & Recognized

Have you ever shared a thought with someone and they valued it to the extent that they wrote it down and followed through with it? Did it make you feel like a million bucks and was it great to see the info benefit them? I imagine Heavenly Father feels the same way when we write down and follow through with what He communicates to us.

While serving as a missionary in South Korea, one of my closest friends was given a blessing and shortly before receiving it, she asked me if I would write down the counsel and promises that would be given to her. With the permission of the Priesthood holder, our mission president, I was happy to write it down as he spoke.  Ever since then, I've made a point of promptly going to a quiet place after receiving a blessing, and while it is still fresh in my mind, writing down the counsel, assurances, insights and blessings that God has extended to me as Priesthood holding hands have been placed on my head.

Some months back my bishop gave me a blessing. After I left his office, I found a quiet place and wrote it down while it was fresh in my mind. A few weeks later, after having referenced a few times my "chicken scratch, write as fast as I can while it's still in my mind" post-it notes to remember what I was told, I decided to type it up in a beautiful way. So, using some of my favorite colors, one of my favorite fonts, and a little motif here and there, I wrote out what He felt was important to communicate to me.

Here's a little glance...

It hangs in a personal area of my room where I can see it everyday. I absolutely love it. You know that really great feeling of having something to look forward to and to live up to? Yeah, this works wonders in that regard. Keeping it "continually before me" has helped me keep in mind the things He wants me to be presently aware of, doing and reassured concerning.

Elder Richard G. Scott taught,

“Knowledge carefully recorded is knowledge available in time of need. Spiritually sensitive information should be kept in a sacred place that communicates to the Lord how you treasure it. This practice enhances the likelihood of your receiving further light” 

“Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge,” Ensign, Nov. 1993, 86

What do you do to record, remember and recognize blessings? What do you do to remember and implement His counsel and instruction? I would love to hear from any and all - insights, suggestions or what works for you.

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