
Monday, March 18, 2013

Superheroes Needed: Working With Your Strengths

Let's be honest- It feels good to be a rockstar.
But even rockstars and superheroes don't always feel so rockin' or superstar-ish when playing in certain roles or settings.

Remember this scene from the Incredibles?
Yeah, there wasn't much super or hero going on here at all.
What was he doing in a cubicle?! Talk about under-utilized superhero resources. 

One of my favorite quotes from Sir Ken Robinson's well-renouned Ted Talk on personal creativity is "We make very poor use of our talents. Very many people go through their whole lives having no real sense of what their talents may be, or if they have any to speak of."

Could the most wasted of all resources be "human resource"? Isn't Mr. Incredible working in an cubicle  a perfect example of that? Just look at his face. Listen to his voice. Doesn't it almost break your heart? Especially when you know the amazing "superpowers" he has to help others out in significant ways.  Although while working in the cubicle he was in a work-role of "helping people" he had inner gifts, talents and abilities to help them in a way that was much more personally engaging and enjoyable to him and which capitalize on his personal strengths so much more.

Compare Mr. Incredible in a work role where he was not engaging his personal strengths to when he was engaging his personal strengths, capitalizing on them, doing what he does best - & lovin' it.

How can we do similarly? Using the gifts we've been given in our day to day service to others feels amazing. I crack up at Seth Godin's line in his book The Dip which says ever so clearly,  "Being the best in the world is seriously underrated". Each person has something that they are "incredible" at.  Finding those strengths and capitalizing on them feels ssssoooo good and more likely than not, enables us to serve others more beneficially as well.

So, how do we discover our strengths, or in other words what we are a rockstar at? Some of the best resources I've found that have helped me identify my personal strengths are
My Patriarchal Blessing
Personal reflection on the past, introspection in the present and projection toward a desired future
Insights into who I am and who I have always been shared by my family members, close friends and personal mentors.
Strengths Finder Survey
Character Strengths and Virtues Survey
Literacy Works' Personal Learning Style Survey
Myers Briggs Type Indicator Assessment
Strong Interest Inventory Assessment

 "There are many gifts, and to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God. 
To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby." 

As President McKay once quoted the saying, "What'ere thou art, act well thy part." Today we might say that as, "What'ere thou art, rock at it." 

Knowing ourselves well, how we operate at our best, what we value, how we think, how we work with others, what are interests and personal passions are, etc. promotes us in doing our best and influencing toward the best purposes we can. Here's to hoping each can discovers the "superhero" strengths within oneself and put those gifts to work in helping the "good guys" win. 

Here's to being incredible,

If you would like more reading related to this topic, I highly recommend the book Well-Being, Gallup Press, by Tom Rath and The Dip: The Extraordinary Benefits of Knowing When to Quit and When to Stick, by Seth Godin. 


  1. This is one of my absolute favorite shows! I own the actual DVD, and I covet my own property in this regard.

    I have to say, though, Mr. Incredible in the cubicle did exactly what a superhero should! Forget free market capitalistic concerns when someone's going through an especially hard time! Give her the answers she needs and do it all according to the technical rules, and have fun infuriating the individuals who do themselves a disservice by focusing on things instead of people, even if it means getting fired from the lousy job!

    Mr. Incredible in the cubicle did exactly that! I loved what he did to his boss! He's my hero. He has been ever since I first watched that show.

    I really like his flexible wife, too. She's got an amazing MVP woman personality! She's a great mom, and I admire her immensely. She represents the feminine ideal, to me, who's extraordinarily capable with extremely tough skin, even with her soft, kind, gentle, tender, and compassionate side being so prominent.

    And, her kids she raised! All three of them are the kind of kids I want some day, in that order! Daddy-daughter dates coming up! And tons of healthy, recreational, physical play with my sons! And if one of them turns on fire, even better! I'm a pyro myself. =)

  2. Awesome book suggestion!

    The Dip: "What really sets superstars apart from everyone else is the ability to escape dead ends quickly, while staying focused and motivated when it really counts.

    "Winners quit fast, quit often, and quit without guilt-until they commit to beating the right Dip for the right reasons. In fact, winners seek out the Dip. They realize that the bigger the barrier, the bigger the reward for getting past it. If you can become number one in your niche, you'll get more than your fair share of profits, glory, and long-term security." I like this philosophy, a lot!
