
Monday, April 29, 2013

Planning & The Basic Building Blocks of Life

I feel like everyone has a few basic building blocks that have a lot to do with the quality of their lives.

For me those basic building blocks are good exercise, good scripture study, good connection time with friends and family and pursuing purposeful things. When it comes to planning my week, these are the basic building blocks that I put in first.

The week posted above is obviously not average with only one work day, two days at a training and two days at Women's Conference with my mom, but the other basic building blocks in blue, green and purple are the essentials that largely influence the quality of my life.

Do I always go about my week living exactly according to schedule? Nope, but when I'm well planned, I feel like I can be more spontaneous because I have the confidence that the priorities are in place and other things can fluctuate from there. Planning helps me feel peace, knowing that those priorities are in place and I notice that as I plan, I feel more optimism as I look forward to the fun and purposeful things that I have put in the plans.

I love how Elder Bednar taught that planning and praying to the Lord regarding our plans as a day starts is much like how He created all things spiritually before they were created temporally. In prayer at night then we are also able to follow up with Him, and give a reporting for the day.

Knowing that Heavenly Father has created a plan, sets for me the example to create one as well.

If there is something that helps or guides you in how you plan your time, as always, feel free to share below.

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