
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Having a Sense of Humor about Being Single

Being single longer than anticipated can grow discouraging and bug to say the least, but if lived in a bright light, it can also come with a lot of enJOYment as well. Personally speaking, if I have to laugh or cry, I'd rather laugh. Learning to laugh at aspects of my present single-status has been like a spoonful of sugar in settings that could be sour.

I loved how Elder Scott said in conference, "A sense of humor is an escape valve for the pressures of life." Regardless of a person's challenges or circumstances, discouragement can come when dreams and desires are delayed.

Elder Faust also said, "Humor may relieve our anxieties temporarily."

So, why not learn to laugh at some of it? Here are a couple of ways that I have added a little bit of sugar to sweeten up circumstances that could otherwise be a little sour.


Holidays have the potential of being some of the best and some of the hardest times. There have been Thanksgiving dinners and Christmas Eves when given the choice of laughing or crying, tears came somewhere in the sequence. That's okay, but it has also been great to learn to have some fun with it as well.

I love my family. My siblings are great to their spouses and Christmas is no exception to that. So this year, as everyone sat around the tree opening gifts from their loved ones, when what to my wondering eye should appear but a gift under the tree for my from my husband dear?

My family was a bit confused at first but then they caught on and were big fans of the whole thing. I figure, he would want me to be happy and he would treat me to something like this, so I purchase it "for" him. ;)


Doing things like this has given me more to laugh about than cry about.. and has given me the opportunity to learn to treat myself well and to learn to be a good gift giver for him later on as well.


Once upon a time while sitting in the chapel at the temple, as individuals filed in and sat on the pews by those they came with, I left a space between me and the individual just a seat or so away from me on the pew - you know, just a little "breathing room" since it was someone I didn't know. After a little time had passed and rows behind me were filling up,  a kind temple worker came and inquired about the small space, "Excuse me sister, are you waiting for your husband?" To which I replied, "Oh no, I'm... well actually, yes - I've been 'waiting' for my husband for a few years now but..." People in all directions started laughing - it was unintentionally hilarious - and there was no need for anyone to feel awkward. We might as well say it as it is and add in that spoonful of sugar, right?

There was a time when going to temple was somewhat challenging. Being surrounded by couples holding hands and resting their heads on one another's shoulders in the chapel and in the Celestial Room while not experiencing that myself was difficult. Over time, rather than feeling loss for what I was not presently experiencing, I developed the ability to be happy for them, happy that they had such a great blessing. When we would want something so badly ourselves, why would we not be happy for others who have been blessed with that? Once we eventually attain a desired blessing, I'm sure our personal happiness will be so much sweeter knowing that we were happy for others in those circumstances as well. Being able to partake of a bitter cup without becoming bitter ourselves however, is not an easy challenge.

Sometimes I think to myself, "When I look back on now, what will I think then about how I am living now? Will I think, 'Man, why was I so down, discouraged, glum or not trusting what God had told me?' Or will I think, 'Man, I totally lived that up, maxed it out and made the most of it!'" I hope my response will be so much more like the latter.

An anonymous quote I love says, "May you live all the days of your life in love" I figure, why wait? Knowing the things Heavenly Father has generously promised me are real, why would I wait until they come about to be happy about them? So even before those promises come about I happily look forward to them. After all, they're true.

Some days will be harder than others, but when the circumstances may seem somewhat sour, I will try to add in the spoonful of sugar that humor can oftentimes be. And when the opportunity to laugh or cry comes about, I know there will be times when tears take their turn, but on more occasions than not, I hope to be able to come out better rather than bitter by sweetening potentially lemon-like circumstances to make some sweet lemonade for life.

Here's to making something sweet,

"Keep your eyes open for humor in the present. The people I know who are good for the long haul all seem to smile easily.... You can't just get yourself a cheerful disposition but you can keep your eyes open for something to smile about.... The best humor springs from seeing the incongruity in your own predicament. Whose got more predicament than someone giving lots with small result? And who's more apt to laugh easily at himself than someone who has ultimate faith that the predicament will end? I think it's a key to endurance."
Elder Eyring


  1. Ali, I love this. I couldn't agree more.

  2. Ali, This is so great! Thanks for being so open about this. I find it hard to be single in the church- but you have made a good point...enjoy being single. Amen to that.

    1. It's so great to see your face on here Skye! I completely understand the hard factor - and it seems like there are multiple parts to it: longing & others' perceptions/judgment at times, just to name a couple. You might like this other girl's post on people perceptions Hope you're doing great!

  3. Love the idea of giving yourself presents from your husband! So cute! Your post reminds me of an idea I recently heard: giving gratitude for your (future) husband. Even before he comes into your life, you can thank God for him, because he is real and the promises from Heavenly Father are real. Kinda like talking in prophetic makes it feel more real.

    1. Thanks for passing on the thought about giving gratitude for what we know even before those things occur. It reminds me of Jacob 4:4 "we knew.. and we had a hope... many... years before his coming."
      I especially loved that the thought of talking in "prophetic perfect." Sabrina, that is awesome. Thanks for mentioning it!

  4. You are awesome, Ali! Love ya!

  5. Oh man, that whole buying gifts for yourself from your future are hilarious! I love that! And your response in the temple was priceless. This was such a fun read.

    1. Remember how once upon a time you totally inspired & motivated me?! Yeah, thanks again for that. :) Hope you're well~

  6. Been there. Done that. LOVED this!!! =) I especially loved the gifts from your future hubby. Holidays got tough for me at one point, so one time I spent it in Catalina with another single gal (since my fam was just going to be driving in the car all day and would return shortly). It was unorthodox, but it turned out great for me that year. JUST what I needed. =) Good times and I TOTALLY agree with ya! LIve it up and have fun. Looking and waiting, but having joy along the way.

    1. Kali~ I totally know that you've been there done that! Thanks for paving the way ahead of me. It's always good to know friends have walked wherever you presently are. :) Holidays with friends sounds like a good option, especially if the fam is just driving. Hope you and your hubbykins are doing fab!

  7. Ali girl! Thank you for your thoughts. I loved the gift giving idea and passed the blog link along to Megan. Totally something we would do. Your man will for sure spoil you and treat you to everything wonderful. I also remembered a time when someone asked me "How are you doing?" in that deep thoughtful way when my little sister was getting married (6 years before I did). While I appreciated the thoughtfulness, I wondered how my sister's happiness would or should do anything to affect mine but to make it even greater. A new brother and future nieces and nephews? This was not to be a bad thing. I knew my day would come, and the happiness of others was always so fun to see. I never felt crusty at another's bridal shower because I looked forward to smiling, not bitter faces when it came time to have friends at my own. You lovely human being you...I look forward to celebrating you in that way when that time comes! A big smiling face at a wonderful announcement. That's what you'll have from me!
