
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Creating a Life Vision

Once Helen Keller was asked, "What can be worse than being blind?" She replied, "Having eyes to see but no vision."

When we zoom out and look at our life what overarching themes do we see? When we look forward, what direction or purpose do we foresee?

  • Create a Vision Board
    •  One thing that has helped me clarify my vision in life is creating a vision board. At first I started with paper pieces taped on my vision board wall. After a bit though, that seemed cluttery and I began using Pinterest. Here is a glimpse of my "vision" for life. 
    • Creating a vision board of my professional interests has also helped me "see" the topics and ideas that I am passionate about. Here is what my work vision board currently looks like. 

  • Let Your Vision Expand
    • A vision is not a static or concrete thing. As people continue to learn, grow and improve, their vision surely should as well. Like an innovative company, it is not only good to make adjustments along the way but can lead to living up to higher heights in life and giving better contributions than those we may have made had we limited or stifled our vision of what could create, contribute, or ultimately become.
  • Connect With Individuals Who Share Your Vision
    • Once we have a vision for life, work, etc. we can connect with people, organizations, resources, etc that can promote us toward bring that vision into a reality. Some ways to do this might be by creating a social media profile that ties us to thought leaders, organizations and people who can help our life/work vision become a reality.
    • For example, along the lines of my envisioned ideal family life, I follow Gottman Insitute, Love & Logic, and other organizations that focus on strengthening families. Also, in the area of work vision, I created a Twitter account and follow the minds, ideas, topics and organizations that I am passionate about. This enabled me to receive a "news feed" of the similar minded individuals who could promote me toward my vision and to potentially share thoughts or ideas with them from time to time. 
      Here is a small sample of the people and ideas I follow on Twitter.

Clarifying our purpose and vision can help us see clearly what to focus on. We can also give ourselves the freedom to adapt that vision and rewrite that dream to something bigger or better than what we had originally envisioned. Connecting with others who share our vision can then help us make those dreams a reality. 

Dream big,


  1. I had a talk with someone today about needing a vision. This is so perfect Ali!

  2. Thanks Sarah. I hope it helps!
