
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Prezi Presentation: Lessons for the Liberty Jails of our Lives

Last week I was called as a gospel doctrine teacher - I was elated. When I looked up the lesson manual I was happy to see that it was D&C 121-122, the first Gospel Doctrine lesson I ever taught, years ago in my first YSA ward.

This is the first time I have served in my ward in about two years, and there really is something unifying not just about attending your own ward, but also about being able to serve in it. 

Here is the Prezi Presentation that we used for today's lesson.

From the movie that is embedded in the 1st blue frame, we watched just the couple of minutes covering the section of Liberty Jail. The "draw your life's timeline" section was good for reflection. Class was also a good reminder that gospel doctrine lessons are much shorter than institute lessons. Yep, very good to know. :)

I love the "Lesson Schedules" section on so people can see and study the next week's lessons if they'd like to. If your ward isn't using that feature yet, you can ask your website administrator or Sunday School Presidency about it.

I wish there was an interactive study resource, possibly something like an online discussion forum so members of a class could post their questions or comment on one another's questions and add examples, quotes, illustrations, etc to help people 1) study more/better 2) understand 3) apply the principles. 

Where and how can we get social media/interaction and scripture study meet? Families have family scripture study, spouses can have companionship scripture study, roommates could have roommate scripture study... How/where could a close group (perhaps an institute class, sunday school class, friends living in different locations, etc) studying the same topic. asking questions and commenting to one another on a forum that fosters faith, application and friendship? Hmmm...

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