
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Being Prompt With Promptings

Promptings are not to be felt, but to be followed.
Impressions are not to impress us, but to press us forward.

In sports athletes work on their  response time, how long it takes them to react to a stimulus, and it plays a big role in how successful they are. Some sources say that .2 seconds is excellent while .3 seconds is "meh." Response time, aka reaction time, can be improved: being alert, knowing what to look for, recognizing cues, blocking out distractions and practice.

In the game of life, how's our response time? 

Nephi: "the Lord came unto me, saying: Arise... and I arose."
Peter & Andrew: "Straightway they forsook their nets and did follow him."
My buddy Eric: Whether it's swinging by a friend's house, dropping someone a message or doing undercover service, when someone comes to mind, Eric is a pro at putting the prompting into practice.
Who stands out to you as someone who is prompt with promptings and has "get-up-&-go-to-it-ism?"

Recognize what you do with promptings
Do you respond or repress?
Do you respond or recoil?
Do you react or rationalize?

What patterns do you notice are in your life when you tend to be more prompt with promptings?
Here are some patterns that I notice promote my promptness:
Have a game plan for the day - but not overbooked.
Good tunes
Good peeps
Good eats
Good reads
Good sleep
What works for you? What patterns promote your promptness?

Be Prompt to act on His Promptings.
Recognize then Respond - getting it down to one motion fluid motion.
Get it - Then Get Up & Go to it

"We are successful if 
we qualify for, receive & follow the Spirit."

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