
Friday, September 27, 2013

Should I Study My Scriptures Using Technology or the Printed & Bound Scriptures?

Similar to Shakespeare's two-option question of "to be or not to be," some people wonder, "Should I study the scriptures with techie devices, or not to study my scriptures with techie devices; that is the question..." Well actually that's not the real question at all.

The thing that is important here is not if the words are written in a book or on your phone, but if they are written in your heart. Rather than wondering whether we should be reading from a book or a techie device, better questions to ask then might be, "What helps me feel the Spirit best while studying the scriptures? Do I feel the Spirit more when I study the gospel with tangible text or digital texts? What medium writes these principles most permanently in my heart?"  Or even better yet "Does one way helps me become more Christlike?"

For me personally, what medium I study from and what study habits I use when "reading" influence the quality of my experience and how warmly I welcome the Spirit's influence into my study time... which I sometimes call my daily "Daddy daughter date" to emphasize the time being spent as time that is developing a relationship, rather that merely doing another "to do" in my day's plan.

Heavenly Father's communication to us and guidance for us was never about printed paper and leather bound books, but rather about making us aware of true principles to live by. I don't go to the scriptures "to read." I go to the scriptures to learn revelation/truth from prophets in the past and to receive personal revelation/truth in my present. It's not about paper, leather binding, ink, tablets, mobile devices or gadgets; these are simply mediums for learning His message in order to live it.

Knowing my personal learning style has helped me make my scripture study/"Daddy daughter date" more enjoyable and beneficial. If you would like to find out your learning style quickly, this free survey can help.

For example, my learning style is partially auditory, visual, kinesthetic, interpersonal and intra-personal, I try to incorporate these kinds of strategies into my study. So, my best study tends to be when I
Sometimes I study using my iPad or laptop. I like the sense of longevity and accessibility to the highlighting and note taking that technology makes possible. Sometimes I study using tangible, hand-held scriptures where I can turn the pages, highlight, draw swishy lines and write my thoughts in whatever color I want to in the margins or in a separate notebook. This just feels good and at times seems to imprint the lessons more deeply into myself. This benefit of "depth" in hand-written notes rivals the benefit of "longevity and accessibility" that studying with tech tools offers. 

I haven't committed myself to one method presently. I would like to use one method for consistency sake but presently the different methods have serve different purposes: digital - it's easy to take notes and save them for forever. It's also easy to search digital notes and scriptures quickly. But when it comes to my leather bound scriptures, they  just "feel good" and I like highlighting and drawing outside of the lines which I can't do digitally... at least not yet.

It'd be incredible if there was a version of Gospel Library that combined the technology/functionality of Penultimate and Evernote. Imagine the awesomeness - you'd be able to highlight with a stylus and write in the margins in your own handwriting and all of your highlighting, drawing, writing, etc would be text and would be searchable since Penultimate and Evernote can recognize and search handwriting. Um... yeah, imagine that kind of churchy-techie amazingness the future holds... Until then, I'll keep tech-ing it up at times, and writing it out with paper and pen at others times as well.

So to answer the question of should I study with tech tools or printed paper, I would go for whatever prints it in your heart best and manifests itself most clearly in your life after that. After all, that's the real objective and game plan we're going for. It's not really even about "reading" or "writing" at all, but more so about learning and becoming.

A better question then would be His question, “What manner of men [and women] ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am” (3 Nephi 27:27). If one way of studying leads us to becoming more like Him than another, then I think we've found the answer to our question. 

Here's to studying becoming,


What helps you get the most out of your "scripture study" / "becoming" time?
Do you use tech in your studying? If so, what do you like to use most?



  1. Amen. I was really wondering how you were going to answer this question because I've battled it myself, but, being written in your heart is ALWAYS the right answer, to me. Excellent point Sunsengnim! =) Okay, now I'll finish reading this

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This was fascinating!


      Body: 4.14
      Spatial: 4.14
      Math: 4
      Nature: 2.57
      Musical: 2

      Just because these five are not in your top three doesn’t mean you’re not strong in them. If your average score for any intelligence is above three, you’re probably using that intelligence quite often to help you learn.


      Your top three intelligences:

      Intelligence Score (5.0 is highest) Description

      Self: You have a very good sense of self. You like to spend time by yourself and think things over. You will often take in information from another person, mull it over by yourself, and come back to that person later to discuss it. You like working on projects on your own. You often prefer to learn by trial and error. Effective techniques to enhance your learning include keeping a journal and giving yourself time to reflect on new ideas and information.

      More ideas:

      Go on "guided imagery" tours.

      Set aside time to reflect on new ideas and information.

      Encourage journal writing.

      Work on the computer.

      Practice breathing for relaxation.

      Use brainstorming methods before reading.

      Listen to and read "how to" tapes and books.

      Read cookbooks.

      Social: You like to develop ideas and learn from other people. You like to talk. You have good social skills. Effective techniques of enhancing your learning using your social intelligence include taking part in group discussions or discussing a topic one-to-one with another person. Find ways to build reading and writing exercises into your group activities, such as:

      Reading a dialogue or a play with other people

      Doing team learning/investigating projects

      Setting up interview questions and interviewing your family, and writing down the interview

      Writing notes to another instead of talking.

      Language: You enjoy enjoy saying, hearing, and seeing words. You like telling stories. You are motivated by books, records, dramas, opportunities for writing. Effective techniques of enhancing your learning using your language intelligence include reading aloud, especially plays and poetry. Another idea is to write down reflections on what you've read. You may also enjoy exploring and developing your love of words, i.e., meanings of words, origin of words and idioms, names. Use different kinds of dictionaries.

      Other ideas:

      Keep a journal

      Use a tape recorder to tape stories and write them down

      Read together, i.e., choral reading

      Read a section, then explain what you've read

      Read a piece with different emotional tones or viewpoints — one angry, one happy, etc.

      Trade tall tales, attend story-telling events and workshops

      Research your name


      Thanks Ali! I loved this learning style survey! Where do you find all these cool links?

  3. Becoming. I like that concept coupled with writing in your heart. So, here's a question: in your new job, will you be able to develop for the Church anything like the "Gospel Library that combined the technology/functionality of Penultimate and Evernote," that you suggested? I'd support it because then I'd no longer have to battle between my tangible scriptures and my virtual scriptures.

    What do you think about memorizing scriptures in order to better solidify the doctrines in your mind? I like the mind/heart combo a lot. But, if I have to choose one over the other, I choose "becoming" over "memorizing" any day
