
Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Talk in Church: 3 Things That Bring Me Peace

For those who asked for a copy of the talk I gave in church last week and the information about the personal insight surveys I referred to, here ya go! 

Parley's 7th  Ward = 800 Members = 1 Nervous Speaker
Here's The Audio: A friend recorded it, which was a super thoughtful surprise! (If the player below isn't working, you can download the file at this link.)

The Surveys: Here is a list of the surveys I referred to that can help you get to know your personal strengths and interest better.

2. Strong Interest Inventory Assessment
3. Myers Briggs Type Indicator Assessment
4. Discover
5. Campbell Interest & Skill Survey
6.  Self Directed Search

You can take survey 1 by purchasing the Strengths Finder book. Surveys 2-6 are available at many universities in offices like BYU's Career Center. Here is a brief summary of surveys 2-6. Another survey that was didn't help me identify what I wanted to do professionally but that really helped me identify that my source of plateau/stagnation was largely career-based rather than something else was the Well-Being Finder.

Here's The Text: Some of my thoughts are bullet points and others are scripted out... I hope they make sense but if they don't, let me know and I'll try to explain. :)

Hope that helps!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your insights and personal example, Ali! Loved your thoughts and suggestions in this talk. Love you!!
